Pick a charity and raise funds for their cause.
Office Hours
Mon-Fri: 9 am -5 pm
24/7 Support line
10km Runners Challenge.
You’ll be challenged, as you’ve said you’ve wanted, with two big climbs up to North Head.
5km Fun Run and Walk.
The 5km Run and Walk includes a couple of short hill climbs on the way ‘out’ to get the heart pumping.
2km Fun Run and Walk.
Run or walk the updated 2km challenge! A short steep hill, beautiful beachfront and the Bower.
Manly Rotary Fun Run & Walk's goals are rooted in this community.
Your entry fees goes direct to the Rotary Club of Manly who organise the whole event. We're a group of volunteers who ensure that every cent we raise goes to charitable causes. The Club members pay membership fees which cover the clubs admin cost. So often with charity giving you're never sure where the money ends up. We make sure it's all accounted for to charities who need the funds.
We also provide a platform for local charities to use the event to raise money for themselves. Do you want to be a local charity hero and raise funds for a much needed cause?
The Rotary Club of Manly would like to encourage you to support the club as well as the charity partners of the Fun Run if you're able to.
Since our first run Manly Fun Run & Walk in 2010 we have raised over $1.75m for local charities.
Much of what we do is in teams – fundraising, and project planning to deliver tangible results in the areas of Youth, Community, and International Service support.
Rotary is a worldwide organisation of people from all backgrounds and ages who volunteer their efforts to 'making a real difference' in their own communities and beyond, living up to their motto of 'Service Above Self'.
Want to receive email communications and be one of the first to know when the early bird tickets are released?
The Rotary Club Of Manly
ABN 39 512 728 164
PO Box 593 Manly NSW 1655
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